
Rent to rent in Bristol

Rent to rent in Bristol

I set a goal in the beginning of the year to  take on 12 rent to rents this year.   So far its been 1 every 6 weeks on average.  (4 currently)  The 4 rent to rents bring in about £1400 / month which is reasonable cash flow given that they do not require much work once setup and represent in excess of 100% ROI.  if you have taken them on in the correct area and made sure you keep them clean and run the operation professionally and systemise as much as possible  it really isn’t that much extra work.  However my goals have changed slightly and rather than build up larger rent to rent portfolio I am going to focus again  on flipping for profit in this rising market. The profits  will go towards by primary goal of portfolio building.  Having said that and having experienced R2R first hand I will take on more  rent to rents should they come along at the right price.   My feeling is that besides being a great cash flow strategy  they will come in as a handy buffer against interest rate rises on my own portfolio.   (which is stress tested to 8% plus) Are you considering incorporating  R2R’s in your strategy moving forward ?


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