
Rodney Road wet works comming along

Rodney Road wet works comming along

After a lovely Christmas with new baby Astrid and a jolly new year its time to hit the road running again.

We have decided to incorporate the rent to rent strategy into our overall game plan so expect to see more news on that front. This is mostly because we would like to replace Ruth’s salary so that she doesn’t have to go back to full time work  and can look after Astrid and this seems like the best / quickest way to do so.  Also i think the additional cash flow will help hedge against interest rate rise risk on the primary portfolio and support building cash pots to go towards deposits on properties we keep.

We hit a minor set back   after we started plastering  upstairs weak spots in the walls downstairs started to appear due to all the moisture in the property.  We have decided to hack off  to brick work two walls entirely and tank them properly and some patches in the kitchen.  Basically adding £600 quid to the plastering job.   (£2300 originally for a  2 bed 2 reception room terrace)   I would rather get the job done properly once and for all than cut any corners   and have it bite me later.  At least i know this will last many years now and I’m keeping it as part of the pension plan.

This is how the property  looked when it purchased.

This is a couple of weeks into the project


Oh and the joys of being a landlord  – this is what my tenant (up north in Morecambe) left me to clean up after moving out owing £1100….(already one load gone before these photos)

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